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Multiple injuries


Are there co-morbidities?
YES proceed with caution & treat as appropriate next NO next 3

Readiness to learn

Is the patient able to understand and remember new information?
NO monitor and query ability to use prothesis next YES next 4

Health of stump

Is the stump healthy? Check for signs of healing or infection
NO refer to medic next YES next 5

Is the stump oedematous? check for signs of oedema by pressing gently with flat of thumb
YES oedematous stump next NO next 6

Has the wound healed?
NO delayed healing next YES next 7

Is the scar tethered?
YES tethered scar next NO next 8



Is the patient in pain?
YES in pain next 9 NO next 12

Is the pain in the stump?
YES pain in the stump next NO next 10

Is there pain elsewhere?
YES pain elsewhere next NO next 11

Is the pain where the limb used to be?
YES phantom pain next NO next 12


Leg Range of Movement (ROM) tests

Key point:

Assess the ROM of your patient on both sides (left and right)


Does either hip have reduced ROM?
YES reduced hip extension next NO next 13

Does either hip have reduced flexion?
YES reduced hip flexion next NO next 14

Does either hip have reduced lateral rotation?
YES reduced lateral rotation next NO next 15

Does either hip have reduced medial rotation?
YES reduced medial rotation next NO next 16

Does either hip have reduced abduction?
YES reduced abduction next NO next 17

Does either hip have reduced adduction?
YES reduced adduction next NO next 18

Does either knee have reduced flexion?
YES reduced knee flexion next NO next 19

Does either knee have reduced extension?
YES reduced knee extension next NO next 20

Is there reduced ankle dorsiflexion or plantarflexion?
YES reduced dorsiflexion or plantarflexion next NO next 21

Leg strength tests

Record whether testing left or right leg using this scale

To test strength, the physio will use resistance (marked by orange arrow)

measure muscle strength from 0-5;
0: no movement
1: flicker but no movement
2: able to move with gravity eliminated
3: able to move through full range against gravity
4: able to move through full range against gravity & with some resistance
5: normal strength

main main
Does either hip have reduced extension strength?
YES reduced hip extension strength next NO next 22

Does either hip have reduced flexion strength?
YES reduced hip flexion strength next NO next 23

Does either hip have reduced abduction strength?
YES reduced hip abduction strength next NO next 24

Does either hip have reduced adduction strength?
YES reduced hip adduction strength next NO next 25

Does either hip have reduced lateral rotation strength?
YES reduced hip lateral strength next NO next 26

Does either hip have reduced medial rotation strength?
YES reduced hip medial rotation strength next NO next 27

Does either knee have reduced extension strength?
YES reduced knee extension strength next NO next 28

Does either knee have reduced flexion strength?
YES reduced knee flexion strength next NO next 29

Does either ankle have reduced strength?
YES reduced ankle strength next NO next 30


Strength and range of movement in upper limbs

Does either arm have reduced ROM at shoulder?
YES reduced ROM in shoulder next NO next 31

Does either arm have reduced strength at the elbow?
YES reduced strength in elbow next NO next 32

Does either arm have reduced strength at the wrist or hand?
YES reduced strength in hand next NO next 33


Hand dexterity

Does the patient have good hand function?
NO make a note to inform prosthetist next YES next 34


Foot health

Is the contra-lateral foot healthy?
NO unhealthy foot next YES next 35


Bed mobility

Can the patient move safely around the bed?
NO teach bed mobility next YES next 36


Wheelchair safety

Does the patient know how to transfer?
NO teach wheelchair transfers next YES next 37

Is the patient safe to use a wheelchair?
NO teach safe use of wheelchair next YES next 38


Safety on crutches

Has the patient been measured for crutches?
NO measure for correct length of crutches next YES next

Is the patient safe to use crutches for transfer?
NO teach safe use of crutches for transfer next YES next 40

Is the patient safe to use crutches around location?
NO teach safe use of crutches around location next YES next


Floor transfer

Can the patient move from floor to chair/bed?
NO teach floor/chair transfer next YES next


Anxiety & depression

Does the patient have anxiety or depression?
YES refer to medic, monitor next NO, monitor next 43


Suitability for prosthetic

Based on this on-going assessment, is a prosthesis suitable for the patient?
NO discuss with prosthetist, continue with rehab and reassess next YES! next
Check list (to help decision)
Independent mobility with appropriate aid (wheelchair or crutches)

Independent transfers

Able to stand for long enough to take a cast of the stump (can be holding on)

Adequate ROM hips and knees - flexion contractures of less than 25 degrees hip and knee both sides

Good muscle power in all limbs regardless of level of amputation

Good understanding and insight

YES yes proceed to prosthetic assessment
no continue with rehab and reassess