If red flag present, see doctor

Get pressure cushion asap
Get pressure cushion asap



Do any of the above apply?


Are there multiple injuries?


Is the patient free of co-morbidities?


Does the patient understand and remember new information?


Is the stump healthy? check for signs of healing or infection


Is the stump oedematous? check for signs of oedema by pressing gently with flat of thumb


Has the wound healed?


Has the scar tethered?


Is the patient in pain?


Is the pain in the stump?


Is there pain elsewhere?


Is the pain where the limb used to be?


Does either hip have reduced range of movement?


Does either hip have reduced flexion?


Does either hip have reduced lateral rotation?


Does either hip have reduced medial rotation?


Does either hip have reduced abduction?


Does either hip have reduced adduction?


Does either knee have reduced flexion?


Does either knee have reduced extension?


Is there reduced ankle dorsiflexion or plantarflexion?


Does either hip have reduced extension strength?


Does either hip have reduced flexion strength?


Does either hip have reduced abduction strength?


Does either hip have reduced adduction strength?


Does either hip have reduced lateral rotation strength?


Does either hip have reduced medial rotation strength?


Does either knee have reduced extension strength?


Does either knee have reduced flexion strength?


Does the ankle have reduced strength?


Does either arm have reduced ROM at shoulder?


Does either arm have reduced strength at the elbow?


Does either arm have reduced strength at the wrist or hand?


Does the patient have good hand function?


Is the contra-lateral foot healthy?


Can the patient move safely around the bed?


Does the patient know how to transfer?


Is the patient safe to use a wheelchair?


Has the patient been measured for crutches?


Is the patient safe to use crutches for transfer?


Is the patient safe to use crutches around location?


Can the patient move from floor to chair/bed?


Is the patient free from anxiety and depression?


Based on this on-going assessment Is a prosthesis suitable for the patient?


Checklist (to help decision)
(1): Independent mobility with appropriate aid (wheelchair or crutches)?


Checklist (2): Independent transfers?


Checklist (3): Able to stand for long enough to take a cast of the stump (can be holding on)?


Checklist (4): Adequate ROM hips and knees - flexion contractures of less than 25degs hip and knee both sides?


Checklist (5): Good muscle power in all limbs regardless of level of amputation?


Checklist (6): Good cognition and insight?