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Gait animation

Normal gait

The key phases:The STANCE followed by its SWING phase is normally an even and flowing rhythmn, yet it requires considerable muscle and nerve coordination. Clues to any underlying difficulty for a child can often be detected in their gait.

Running gait slowed down

The key phases:The STANCE followed by its SWING phase is normally an even and flowing rhythmn, yet it requires considerable muscle and nerve coordination. Clues to any underlying difficulty for a child can often be detected in their gait.


Range of movement animation

External/internal rotation

Arm rotation

EXTERNAL ROTATION of arm moves it OUTWARDS around the body
INTERNAL ROTATION moves it INWARDS toward the body

Flexion/ extension

Shoulder/ elbow flexion/extension

FLEXION means closing the angle between any two parts, while
EXTENSION increases the angle between them.

Abduction/ Adduction

Arm abduction

Arm ABDUCTION means moving away from the body
ADDUCTION means movement back in toward it.