19. Tendinopathy (de Quervains): extensor pollicis brevis, adductor pollicis longus, abductor pollicis longus, inflamed synovium
20. Hypermobility: normal, hyper-mobile
21. Finkelstein's test: A positive test is when pain is reproduced through ulnar deviation with the thumb tucked in, stretching the irritated tendons
22. Carpal tunnel syndrome: median nerve, inflamed synovium, carpal tunnel
23. Carpal tunnel syndrome - Tinel's test
24. Osteoarthritis: swollen joints, osteophytes
25. Osteoarthritis: normal cartilage, thi and fibrilated cartilage
26. Fractures: sign of scaphoid injury, fracture to scaphoid
27. Fractures, two types of fracture to radius: Colle's and Smith's
28. Nerve tests: median, ulnar, radial
29. Trigger finger: happens when a tendon in the finger or thumb becomes swollen and inflamed, causing a ‘catching’ movement where the tendon is restricted by its tendon sheath. If this worsens it affects the fingers ability to move. tendon sheath, normal tendon, inflamed tendon, swollen synovium