
1: Was there a trauma?

no, next


Has the patient got any significant limb weakness/ decreased sensation, loss of bowel/bladder, positive Babinski, Clonus or Hoffmans test?



  yes Myelopathy


Mechanical neck pain

Was there a trauma?

no, next


Has the patient got any significant limb weakness/ decreased sensation, loss of bowel/bladder, positive Babinski, Clonus or Hoffmans test?

no, next


Does the pain go down the neck into their shoulder / arm / hand?

no, next


Is the pain central, localized to the neck?


yes, next

Does the pain get worse on activity?


yes, next

Is there a decrease in range of movement to the neck or pain on movement?


yes, next

Is there muscle spasm or muscle tightness?



  yes Mechanical neck pain


Cervical radiculopathy

Was there a trauma?

no, next


Has the patient got any significant limb weakness/ decreased sensation, loss of bowel/bladder, positive Babinski, Clonus or Hoffmans test?

no, next


Does the pain go down the neck into their shoulder / arm / hand?


yes, next

Does the pain / numbness correlate to a dermatome/ myotome?


yes, next

Does the pain / symptoms get worse with the Spurlings test?


yes, next

Is the pain sensitive to Upper Limb Tension Tests (ULTT)?


yes, next

Any positive testing for myotomes, dermatomes or reflexes?



  yes Cervical radiculopathy


Inflammatory joint disease

Was there a trauma?

no, next


Has the patient got any significant limb weakness/ decreased sensation, loss of bowel/bladder, positive Babinski, Clonus or Hoffmans test?

no, next


Does the pain go down the neck into their shoulder / arm / hand?

no, next


Is the pain central, localized to the neck?

no, next


Does the pain get worse on activity?

no, next


Does the pain / numbness correlate to a dermatome/ myotome?

no, next


Is the pain sensitive to Upper Limb Tension Tests (ULTT)?

no, next


Was the pain a progressive onset over days or weeks?


yes, next

Is the pain relieved with activity / movement?

no, next


Is the pain worse on waking in the morning or after rest?


yes, next

Is the pain worse on waking in the morning or after rest?



  yes Inflammatory joint disease



Was there a trauma?


yes, next

Is there a sudden weakness or numbness to limbs and/or local ‘bony’ tenderness to the neck, or bladder or bowel dysfunction?



  yes Fracture


Post trauma muscle strain

Was there a trauma?


yes, next

Is there a sudden weakness or numbness to limbs and/or local ‘bony’ tenderness to the neck, or bladder or bowel dysfunction?

no, next


Is there localised muscular tenderness to the neck?



  yes Post trauma muscle strain