Objective notesbjective assessment

Objective notes

Quick medical check

Please seek medical help if any of the above apply or else confirm that you have checked that none do.


Has there been a recent accident, fall or trauma?


Has there been a sudden onset of low back pain following an action of lifting or twisting


Bending forwards, is it painful?


Bending backwards, is it painful?


Bending to the right and left, is it painful?


Is the patient standing with a lateral pelvic shift?


Palpate Lumbar segments, is it painful?


Sitting slouched, straighten patient’s leg, lift toes, and bend head forward. Is it painful or is altered sensation felt? (slump test)


When therapist lifts painful leg straight up into the air, is it painful or is altered sensation felt? Patient may lift head to test further.


Test reflexes, myotomes and dermatomes. Are some positive? (refer to library for tests)


Palpate Lx segments, is it painful and is stiffness felt?


Is patient over 50yrs old?


When walking up hill or bent forward, is it less painful?


Is increased muscle tension evident in muscles along the back?


Feel the muscle bellies along the lower spine and above the pelvis is it painful to touch?


Is the lumbar segment painful to tap locally?


Pick up skin, and roll it between fingers. Does it feel painful and tight?


Has the patient had an x-ray?


Did the x-ray indicate a fracture?


Is the fracture unstable?