Objective assessments (print-out version)
1: Do you have severe chest pain?
Yes = see a
doctor; No = go to 2
2: Do you cough up blood?
Yes = see a
doctor; No = go to 3
3: Is the in-breath louder than the out-breath (stridor)?
Yes = see a doctor; No = go to 4
4: Is the patient out of breath when speaking?
(note: do their shoulders move to help them breathe)
Yes = severe
breathlessness; No = go to 5
5: Do you now struggle with a normal activity such as walking, which didn’t happen
Yes = ADL limited by
breathlessness; No = go to 6
6: Time taken for sit to stand test?
time taken then go to 7
7: using Borg scale, patient points to the level that describes their
answer given then go to 8
8: can you hear crackles with your ear or stethoscope?
Yes = sputum needs
clearance; No = go to 9
9: Can you feel the crackles with your hand?
Yes = sputum needs
clearance; No = go to 10
10: Are the crackles high in the lungs?
Yes = go to 11; No = sputum needs clearance
11: Do you hear bronchial breathing or reduced breath sounds?
Yes = go to 12; No = reduced breath in lungs, go to doctor
12: Do you feel aches around your shoulders or chest from coughing and bringing up
Yes = needs pain relief;
No = go to 13
13: Are you drinking enough water?
Yes = go to 14; No = de-hydrated
14: Do you (the patient) have a lot of sputum?
Yes = excess sputum; No = go to 15
15: Does the amount of sputum bother you?
Yes = Education in sputum
clearance; No = go 16
16: Has your sputum changed colour or is it thicker?
Yes = go to 17; No = go to 19
17: Do you have bronchiectasis or COPD?
Yes = go to doctor; No = go to 18
18: Do you feel ill/ have a temperature?
Yes = consider going to doctor
for potential infection; No = go to 19
19: Do you have problem with bringing up sputum?
Yes = go to 20; No = go to 23
20: Is the problem of bringing up sputum due to pain?
Yes = pain in sputum
retention; No = go to 21
21: Is the problem of bringing up sputum due to weakness?
Yes = weakness causing sputum
retention; No = go to 22
22: Is the problem of bringing up sputum due to a social reason or
Yes = embarrassment; No = go to 23
23: Does the problem of bringing up sputum cause other problems such as wetting
Yes = causes wetting;
No = go to 24
24: Outcome measures (done after treatment): Is the sputum now clearer?
Yes = go to 25; No = repeat treatment
25: Outcome measures (done after treatment): Can the patient now manage their own
Yes = (finish); No = repeat treatment