Elbow anatomy memo (1)
Without looking first, can you write down the names that correspond to the following numbers?
hover to check your answers!
Elbow anatomy memo (2)
Without looking first, can you write down the names that correspond to the following numbers?
hover to check your answers!
Elbow anatomy memo (3)
Without looking first, can you write down the names that correspond to the following numbers?
hover to check your answers!
Physiology memo (1)
Without looking first, can you write down the names that correspond to the following numbers?
hover to check your answers!
Pathology memo (1)
Without looking first, can you write down the names that correspond to the following numbers?
hover to check your answers!
Pathology memo (2)
Without looking first, can you write down the names that correspond to the following numbers?
hover to check your answers!
Pathology memo (3)
Without looking first, can you write down the names that correspond to the following numbers?
hover to check your answers!
Teaching (3) How to plan student activity
Think about your participants – are they students, professionals, or carers?
What learning styles?
Decide what teaching methods you will use
Talk? brainstorm? small group discussion? use case studies? role play? work in pairs? demonstration?
3.Is there a deformity anywhere?
No = go to 5; Yes = 12
How might you teach ligaments?
Is there something like sticky tape to give a metaphor? How
might the student remember their names? perhaps fix just one firmly and then add another on top when
Decide what equipment or aids and materials might be useful:
- Chair? Standing frame? Walking aid? white board? flip chart? handouts?
Decide what information is key/central to understanding
Become familiar with any activities you need to demonstrate
Use any equipment, practice the skill, prepare the printouts
Decide how you want the room arranged
lecture format? small groups? circle? using treatment beds? mats? Will you include equipment?
Check that you are providing a positive role model
Don’t talk over people, no question is stupid, be careful when correcting a skill
Plan the timing of your activity - how long will you speak? how long for discussion? how long for demonstration? how
long to practice a skill?